Massacre of 1980s: We shall not let the world forget it

We, together with one voice, commemorate the massacre of 1980s
We shall not let the world forget it.

“I wept in my luminous private, with you
For those who live
And in a dark cemetery I sang with you
The most striking songs
For, the dead this year
Were the most loving living life.””A. Shamloo”The contemporary history of the world is full of the repressions strangulation and brute forces committed by the dictators, oppressors and colonialists. The mass slaughtering and burning of bodies during the World War II by the Nazis; the massacre of the Palestinians by Zionists régime; the killing of the oppositions by thousands after the 1973 Chilean coup; the mutilating and disappearing of more than 30,000 people during the reign of the military Junta in Argentina; the killing of Kurds in Iran, Turkey and Syria by their reactionary and dictatorial régimes and now the killing of the people in Iraq and Afghanistan by the USA and its allies are only a few examples of the endless atrocities committed against humanity.In Iran, systematic crimes were and are common practice of the Capitalist regimes of both overthrown Pahlavi Monarchy and the present ruling regime of the Islamic Republic. Even though the people’s struggle in 1978 resulted in overthrowing the Shah’s repressive regime, but repressions, imprisonment, torture and execution spread wider right after the rise of the Islamic regime from its very inception. The massacre of political prisoners in the 1980s is an example of the many atrocities committed by this regime against humanity. This act of barbarism has no equivalent in Iran’s history and is comparable only to those of the Fascism in Europe.

Today, our task is not and must not be limited to only speaking out and revealing those dreadful crimes committed by this regime, but more important is not to let them be forgotten or be defaced. The Iranian regime and his henchmen are trying to rewrite the history of their crimes in order to divert the attention of the younger generation from their real struggles hence setting the history backward. This project has a very specific aim inside and outside of Iran and is organized and supervised by the regime itself. Abroad, the people who were involved directly or indirectly in the massacres of the 80s, are implementing this project. Their lines advocate “forgetting” and “forgiveness” in order “to conceal” the true history of their crimes. We should not let them succeed.

The progressives and revolutionaries cannot and should not be silent in this matter and must bring it to the attention of people around the world. The Islamic Republic of Iran should be condemned and charged for the “crime against humanity”.

We think the historic roots of these atrocities are so deep in the Iranian society that it has the potential becoming the starting point for unifying the progressive groups in their struggles against the present regime.

A present, inside the middle age type prisons of the Islamic Regime tens of thousands political prisoners, from all societal groups, are jailed: Workers activists, women activists, students and the youth, anybody fighting for freedom, equality and justice. Many non-identified political prisoners suffer from torture and under the danger to be executed.

We intend to commemorate the anniversaries of the atrocities of the dark summers of 1980 and 1987. The periods in which thousands of the political prisoners, men and women, were sent before the fire squads or the gallows to be killed. Their only crime, jailed in the dungeon of the prisons, was saying “NO” to the Islamic dogmas and the régime representing it.

We, the undersigned, would like to commemorate, and urge you to participate as well, the massacre of the 80’s all over the world, by organizing all kind of relevant actions and activities. We wish to be able to coordinate our actions with families of the victims in Iran and be able to reflect the situation of the political prisoners in Iran.

Therein, we invite all organizations, activists and progressives not only be active but, hand in hand, expose the massacre of the 80s and let not history ever forget these atrocities.
Eskandari, Bijhan, Omidi Lhijani Behrooz, Ahmadi Norooz, Afshar darush, Ahmadian Helmet, Akhbari Mina, Asadi Pouran, Azad Ali, Ansari Pouyan, Arasi Mojhdeh, Ardavan Soudabeh, Eftekhari Marjan, Al e pouye Gholam, Ivani Homayoon, Avaii Gil, Afshari mazdak, Afshar S., Estakhri Rahim, Afshari matyam, Behkish Nastaran, Booka Parvaneh, Beheshti Mohammad, Bigdeli Shamloo Parvin, Bahrami PanteA, Bozorgi Matyam, Pouya Hassan, Parnian Nasser, Parvin Saeed, Pooyan 50, Teymoor Zadeh Nosrat, Jahangiiri Heydar, Jafari Reza, Javaheri Langeroodi Amir, Jalali Nezam, Jahan Moonster, Chit Saz Rezaz, Hoseini Roozbeh, Hafezi, Safi Sara, Momeni Khalili, Khosh Aghideh Karim, Khalili Mahmood, Khei Andish Asgar, Davani Hossein, Dena Ziba, Darvazehghari Ali, Rad Firoozeh, Reza Zadeh Irandokht, Rostami Habib, Rumi Farhang, Raji Farzaneh, Zarrin Mina, Seyyed Ahmadi Mohammad Taghi, Sadeh Nader, Sooran Behrooz, Sazazndeh Mitra, Shakib Moheb, Shah Karam Ashraf, Shirin Balaghi Asgar, Shab Afrooz Masood, Soofi Zadeh Hadi, Saboori M., Samadi Vahid, Talebi Reza, Erfani Zari, Abbasi Setareh., Azizi Mohammad, Fekri Ali, Fayyaz Ali, Ghasemi Parvaneh, Akhgar Frazaneh, Fasrmanesh Hossein, Ghahremani Farrokh, Ghelich Khani Parviz, Hassanwand Marzieh, Ghobadi Siamak Ghobadi Ahmad, Kalibi Jaber, Kia Shohreh, , Kasraiian Hojat, Kianoush Hassan, Kafami Ebrahim, Koli Reza, Karimi Saeed, Koohrang Siavoush, Kahoori Nina,Kaka Bava Amin, Gilani Fereydoon, Lotfi M., Mahmoodi Siavoush, Mortazavi Bagher, , Meyzar Yasaman, Mir Satari Anvar, Mostaan Firooz, Mesdaghi Iraj, Memar Nejhad (Behrang) Mahmood, Mirzaii Niki, Mosafer Mila, Moosavi Parvin, Malaki Tabar Nezam, Moazzami Goodarzi Mehrnoosh, Moradi Morteza, Mehri Mojhgan, Nadimi Alireza, Noori Akbar, Nazari Mojtaba, Navidi Amador, Nasseri Nader more to come
List of Organizations, Parties, internet sites, prints,….
1) committee to defend political prisoner in Iran- Denmark
2) society of protecting political prisoner- Monster
3) committee for refugees and political prisoners- Leipzig
4) committee to defend political prisoner in Iran-Berlin
5) Talash / society protecting Iranian people’s struggle- Cologne
6) Society in solidarity with Iranian worker- Hamburg
7) Assembly of coordinating Iranian society- Hamburg
8) Society in solidarity with Iranian worker-Cologne
9) society protecting Iranian people’s struggle-Hanover
10) Arash print
11) Today’s World (Jqahane Emrooz) print
12) Society to defend freedom of speech- Gutenberg
13) International Forum- Denmark
14) Prison Dialogues
15) Hamrah Radio- Gutenberg
16) Barabari Radio
17) Avaye Hanover radio
19) Barabari TV
20) Foundation of art and literature of Iran- Gutenberg
21) Hamrah / Iranian cultural society
22) Socialist Unity- Paltalk Room
23) Anisheh/ Cultural House
24) Talash Radio/ Society fighting Addiction
25) Human Right European Federation- Belgium
26) The Union of People’s Fedaian of Iran
27) MInoo Hamily
28) Society of Iranian Art and Culture – Fresno
29) Pooyandeh- Library and Book Club – Denmark
30) Iranian Students Society- Holland
31) University Students Committee- Belgium
32) Iranian progressive Women/ internet site
34) Pro Smad Behrangi- Tabriz/Iran
35) Group of University Student’s Communist
36) Youth against the religion
37) A.A. (Theater group)
38) 19 Bahman Organization
39) Socialist Party of Iran
40) Red Tabriz
41) Iranian Socialist unity- Montreal
42) Khabar Nameh (Iinternet Site)
43) Tavoli Cultural (Center for teaching about Iran)
44) A group of workers in Arak -Iran
45) A group of University Students Sharif University- Tehran/ Iran
46) Payam e Pishroo Print
48) Agroup of Iranian teacher
49) A group of worker
50) A group of Iran Khodroo And Khavar Indusrial in Iran
51) A group of Shiraz Universty Studednts- Iran
52) A group of Mashhad University Students- Iran
53) A group of Poly Technique University Students- Iran
54) Society defending Women
55) Society defending Human Right and Democracy in Iran – Sweden
56) Iranian Refugee Federation Organization (without the boarder)
57) Committee to Commemorate the massacre- Holland
58) Women’s voice (Kurdsih Language)- Sweden
59) A group of women worker and activist in Sagghez _Iran
60) Iran Prison:
61) www.
62) www.salam/
63) a group of teacher in Kurdestan



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