
A Joint Statement by 29 Left and Democratic Societies on International Women’s Day

Congratulations to women of Iran and the world on March 8, the International Women’s Day. March 8 is a celebration day of women’s struggles and achievements against gender and all other types of inequality. We will never forget that women were the first social force in Iran that stand up …

Corded By Toumaj

CORDED! – By: Toomaj

CORDED! – Toomaj طناب دار؛ توماج صالحی – بی‌لقب؛ ویدئو


Åtal för folkrättsbrott i Iran

27.7.2021 10:10:23 CEST | ÅklagarmyndighetenDela I dag, tisdag den 27 juli 2021 har åtal väckts mot en iransk medborgare för dels folkrättsbrott, grovt brott, dels mord begångna i Iran 1988. Kammaråklagarna Kristina Lindhoff Carleson och Martina Winslow är tillgängliga på telefon i eftermiddag. Åtalspunkt 1 – folkrättsbrott, grovt brott 1981–1988 pågick en …


Prosecution for violations of international law in Iran

27.7.2021 10:10:23 CEST | Public prosecutorShare Today, Tuesday, July 27, 2021, charges have been brought against an Iranian citizen for international law violations, aggravated crimes and murders committed in Iran in 1988. Prosecutors Kristina Lindhoff Carleson and Martina Winslow are available by phone this afternoon. Charge 1 – offences of international …


Tusentals avrättades i Iran 1988 – nu startar rättegången i Sverige

NYHETER, SVERIGE  10 augusti 2021 08:07 I dag startar en historisk rättegång i Stockholms tingsrätt mot en iransk medborgare, som misstänks för delaktighet i de massavrättningar och den tortyr av politiska fångar som ägde rum i Iran i slutet av 80-talet. Rättegången är den första i sitt slag i världen – ingen har hittills ställts inför rätta …


Thousands Were Executed in Iran in 1988 – Today the Trial Begins in Sweden

NEWS, SWEDEN  10 August 2021 08:10 Today marks the start of a historic trial in the Stockholm District Court against an Iranian citizen suspected of participating in the mass executions and torture of political prisoners in Iran in the late 1980s. The trial is the first of its kind – until …


Zur aktuellen Streikbewegung der Lehrer*innen im Iran.

Zur aktuellen Streikbewegung der Lehrer*innen im Iran. (Dezember 2021) …Im breit gefächerten Spektrum der jüngsten sozialen und politischen Kämpfe der iranischen Werktätigen nehmen die Lehrerinnen einen hervorragenden Platz ein. A) Ihr Hintergrundwissen eben als Lehrerinnen,B) die im iranischen Schulsystem tief sitzende Misere, mit der sie in ihrem täglichen Berufsleben konfrontiert …


MOTHER Mahmood Khalili

MOTHER Mahmood KhaliliShe woke up early, washed up in hurry and then dressed togo. She had a strange feeling, a DJavu like. For sometimes, a coldworry had nested in her heart and did not want to go away. Anoutlandish, anxious and uneasy feeling she was experiencing. Thisfeeling had struck her …


Honoring the victims

In recent years – especially since the start of the nuclear confrontations/negotiations between Iran’s Islamic Republic and western governments – the plight of political prisoners, tortured in Iranian prisons, as well as those executed by the Iranian regime, has gained prominence. The Trump and Biden administrations in the US, as …


“Living In the Antechamber of Death” : Dowry

DOWRY By: N. Fakhteh It was strange, but nothing except knitting could calm the old lady down. You’d think those two knitting needles and the ball of yarn was connecting the favorite parts of her life. The sweater could be her life. Her hands were paging through every moment of …